Oct 18, 2010

Barack Obama our 44th President

Biography (Short Version) 
On August 4 1961 our current president was born in Kapi’olani Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii. His parents, Ann and Barack named him Barack Hussein Obama. They nicknamed him, “Barry.” Barack lived in Hawaii for a part of his childhood, and then when he was six years old, moved to Indonesia. The language there was incomprehensible to him at first but still he made friends. Soon he was always busy enjoying his time there by playing soccer, riding on water buffalo, and flying kites
In 1971 Barack came back to Hawaii and started going to school. Then he started high school. In his freshman year school he played football, although he liked basketball more. In basketball he became a very stunning player. Barack Obama went to Occidental college and Harvard. An instructor at his college Roger Boesche urged him to work harder. At the age of twenty-seven Barack Obama went to Harvard. At the end of his first year he was selected as one of the seventy editors of the Harvard Law Review. Barack also met his wife and First Lady Michelle here.
In 2008 Obama ran for president. This all stated when he gave a speech in the Democratic Convention in 2006. Obama’s campaigners knew how to use the internet for donations and his wife quit her job to help him out. He used his “Yes we can!” slogan which he used for his senate campaign. He said he would make health care affordable and make sure that high school students go to college.  
Obama Now
Obama promised us a change all over America, and throughout the world. Although he has tried, he has not succeeded because of the economical situation in America. If I were president at this time, I would focus on creating more jobs and working on to stimulate economy, because a huge number of people are unemployed.  When you have to pay bills, and you don't have a job, it hard to keep up with life. There is a chance that in the November 2010 elections, Republican party will be majority in the House and Senate. Which will be a major set back for Democrats, and the country will face a gridlock, and nothing will get done in Washington! Let's hope for the best!