Nov 4, 2010


Sony has advanced a lot during the last three years in the field of gaming and TV technology. Things such as the 3D tv, PSP,PS3,PS2,PS1, and, not to be forgotten, The Move, which is an motion controller that you can attach to your PS3.

The great thing about Sony's 3D tv is that it does not hurt your eyes even if  you play without the 3D goggles. I know this because my father and I went to the Sony store in the mall, in fact, I had gone last week. All though I did not get to use all of the greatest features, I did get to here an adult coon "Amazing!"

The PlayStation Move is a wonder. You may think that the PlayStation move works the exact same way as the Wii, but you are incorrect. The PlayStation Move actually tracks the two balls on the end of the controllers. This means no lag, and is a great thing for sword fighting games because if you do a down strike on an opponent you don't have to wait for your character to preform the operation. This enables you to quickly counter strike any attacks. It will be fun to see what Sony has in store for us next.


  1. Wow! I was the kind of person who liked the Wii and someone who liked 2-D tv. Now I have "fallen in love" with Sony. I and going to beg my mother for the Playstation Move.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I hope you do get a Move, and if you need to get a Move you have to get a PS3. If you get a PS3 I suggest getting Modern Warfare 2.
