Jan 3, 2011

Cellphones...in prisons?

Cellphones are banned in prisons and are, even though not allowed, very useful to prisoners. A cellphone might not be much, but smartphones have changed the game. Most prisoners have a Facebook, and play games like "FarmVille". Gang violence and drug movement are increasingly being followed online, allowing inmates to keep up criminal behavior even as they serve time.

Detection Dogs Sniff Cell Phones in Prison
So now criminals are open up to more then just Facebook, its a way to communicate between the criminals. In 2009, gang members in a Maryland prison were caught using their phones to order seafood and cigars. This could turn into something bad, but the guards are trying to cap them. It is a nice way to spend your three-year-sentence, huh?

How do cellphones come in? How do they find them? Click on the video!

Would you risk bringing a cellphone if you were to have years added to your time in prison?

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